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Unwind Your Mind BrainTap Guided Meditation

Braintap Guided Meditation In Temple, TX

Your Brain Needs a Spa Day, Too

Dealing with stress can make it difficult to unwind and truly relax. Revitalize your mind with guided meditation to help you rejuvenate in a way you've never experienced. Immerse yourself in relaxation using the BrainTap headset, using gentle pulses of light and sounds to create a tranquil and refreshing experience.

Through BrainTap guided meditation, you can create space for increased balance, accelerated learning, and improved focus. Ready to expand your brain’s potential?
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What to expect?

This treatment uses the BrainTap headset, which provides gentle pulses of light and sounds to help you feel relaxed 
The duration of these sessions is between 15-35 minutes, depending on what program you choose.
What to wear?
Client preference.


15-35 min - $25